
Research on Dynamic Cost Control System in Metallurgical Industry Production and Its Application

  • 摘要: 将工业过程的优化设定控制技术和邯钢成本管理技术相结合,提出了由产品目标成本设定模型、目标成本分解模型、产品实际成本预报模型、工序实际成本预报模型、成本设定补偿模型和成本控制器组成的冶金生产过程成本控制系统结构.采用计算机网络和数据库等信息技术,设计并开发了冶金工业动态成本控制系统软件包,并应用于邯钢生产,降低了生成过程的成本,提高了企业经济效益,增强了企业的市场竞争力.


    Abstract: Combined with the optimization setting technology of industrial process and the cost management technology in Handan Iron & Steel Corporation, a cost control system structure of metallurgy production process is presented, which is composed of product target cost setting model, target cost decomposing model, product real cost predicting model, process real cost predicting model, cost setting compensation model and cost controller. Using computer network and database technology, a dynamic cost control system software is developed and applied to production process of Handan Iron & Steel Corporation. With this software package, the production cost is reduced and the enterprise obtains great benefit and market competition.


