On Time Synchronization of Distributed Virtual Reality Simulation System
摘要: 分析了现有分布交互式仿真系统的一些同步方法的特点及其应用于分布式虚拟现实仿真系统的局限性,并提出了一种自适应调整仿真时钟推进速率的时间同步方法.最后将该方法应用于某石化企业的虚拟现实仿真系统,证明了其有效性.Abstract: Current synchronization methods for distributed simulation systems are examined and their limitations in applications to distributed virtual reality simulation system are discussed.Then a time synchronization method is proposed to self-adaptively control the advancement of simulation time.The synchronization method has been applied to the virtual reality simulation system of a petrochemical enterprise and its validity is verified.