
An Adaptive Federated Filtering Algorithm for Dynamic SINS/Multi-satellite Integrated Navigation System

  • 摘要: 研究了一种基于动态扰动的滤波算法,用以提高动态扰动情况下捷联惯导/多卫星组合导航系统的精度和可靠性.该算法采用几何精度因子(GDOP)对量测噪声进行自适应调节,利用卡尔曼滤波器的新息量对状态噪声协方差阵进行整体控制,同时根据具有时变特性的各子系统误差协方差阵对信息分配系数进行自适应调节.通过对SINS/GPS/Galileo/北斗组合导航系统的仿真,分析对比了常规联邦滤波、Sage自适应联邦滤波和本文所提自适应联邦滤波算法.结果表明,该自适应联邦滤波算法能够有效抑制动态扰动,提高组合导航系统的精度和可靠性.


    Abstract: In order to improve the precision and reliability of SINS/satellite integrated navigation in dynamic disturbance environment,a filtering algorithm based on dynamic disturbance is presented.The algorithm uses geometry dilution of precision(GDOP)to adaptively adjust the measurement noise and uses the innovation of Kalman filter to control the state covariance matrix.Meanwhile,the information distribution coefficient can be adaptively adjusted according to the time-varying covariance matrix of each subsystem.Simulation is carried out on the SINS/GPS/Galileo/BDS integrated navigation system,and comparison and analysis are made with conventional federated filter,Sage adaptive federated filter and the proposed adaptive federated filter.The simulation results show that the presented method can effectively restrain the kinematic disturbance and improve the precision and reliability of the integrated navigation system.


