
Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor/Actuator Networks in Home Automation

  • 摘要: 家庭自动化无线传感器/执行器网络有着自己的特点,如节点间供电能力、计算能力、移动性具有显著差异,本文在分析这些差异的基础上提出一种基于地理位置的按需路由协议.该路由协议利用静态节点位置限定路由请求包,并且利用静态邻居节点作为辅助节点完成动态节点的路由发现,避免了对移动节点定位技术的依赖性.利用NS2比较了该路由协议和AODV路由协议的性能.仿真结果显示本文的路由协议能降低路由开销从而提高稳定性.


    Abstract: Wireless sensor/actuator networks for home automation have their own characteristics such as diversities in node's energy supply, computational power and mobility. This paper proposes a location-based on-demand routing protocol based on the analysis of those diversities. The routing protocol uses the location of static nodes to limit routing request packets, and mobile node's routing discovery is completed by its static neighbors to avoid dependence on localization technology of mobile node. NS2 is used to compare the performance of our routing protocol with AODV (ad hoc on-demand distance vector) routing protocol. The simulation results show that our routing protocol dramatically reduces routing overhead while increasing reliability.


