
Review on Endogenous Information Security Technology of Industrial Measurement and Control Equipment

  • 摘要: 工业测控设备是工业控制系统的神经中枢,其信息安全问题直接关系到工业控制系统的安全。传统信息安全防护技术手段具有局限性,网络无法阻断物理介质传输数据和物理设备的接入,即使是物理隔离的工业测控设备,亦可以成为攻击目标,迫切需要增强工业测控设备自身的内生安全防护能力。本文结合相关国际标准和国家标准,将工业测控设备内生信息安全防护技术分为静态加固技术和动态防护技术,对涉及的七类信息安全防护技术进行了逻辑分类,给出了工业测控设备的内生信息安全的术语定义,并具体分析、评价了已有相关理论研究和关键技术的优势和不足之处。最后,对工业测控设备的内生信息安全防护技术的发展趋势进行了展望。


    Abstract: Industrial measurement and control equipment is the nerve center of an industrial control system, and thus, its information security is directly related to the safety of the industrial control system. The traditional security protection technology has limitations, such as the inability of the network to block the access of physical media transmission data and physical equipment. Even the physically isolated industrial measurement and control equipment can also become the target of attack. Therefore, it is urgent to enhance the endogenous security of industrial measurement and control equipment. According to related international and national standards, the endogenous information security technology of industrial measurement and control equipment is divided into static reinforcement and dynamic protection technologies. In this paper, seven kinds of information security technologies are classified logically. The definition of endogenous information security terminologies in industrial measurement and control equipment is presented, and the research progress of existing key technologies is analyzed and evaluated. Finally, we prospect the development trend of endogenous information security technology of industrial measurement and control equipment.


