ZHOU Zhi-jie, HU Chang-hua, ZHOU Dong-hua. Fault Prediction Techniques for Dynamic Systems Based on Non-analytical Model[J]. INFORMATION AND CONTROL, 2006, 35(5): 608-613.
Citation: ZHOU Zhi-jie, HU Chang-hua, ZHOU Dong-hua. Fault Prediction Techniques for Dynamic Systems Based on Non-analytical Model[J]. INFORMATION AND CONTROL, 2006, 35(5): 608-613.

Fault Prediction Techniques for Dynamic Systems Based on Non-analytical Model

More Information
  • Received Date: October 30, 2005
  • Published Date: October 19, 2006
  • At first,this paper introduces the recent development and the importance of fault prediction techniques of dynamic systems.Secondly,the available fault prediction methods are classified into two categories.The applied ranges,the merits and drawbacks of each prediction method are analyzed,and the fault prediction methods based on non-analytical model are discussed in detail.Finally,further problems to be studied in this field and the possible development trends are pointed out.
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