Identifying Linear System by Graphical Analysis of Their Step Responses
Graphical Abstract
Eight Transfer functions of the object to be controlled are derived from graphical analysis of the step response curves.The Eight transfer functions are:W(s)=K/(1+Ts)n、K/(1+T2s)(1+T1s)n、K(1+aTs)/(1+TS)n+1、K(1-aTs)/(1+Ts)n+1、KTs/(1+Ts)n、1/Tas(1+Tas)、1/Tas-K/(1+Tas)、K/(T2s2+2ξTs+1).Two special purpose inverse conversion tables are given for establishing the response curves of the corresponding transfer functions calculating the error between test curves and those ones derived from the transfer function,and then effecting neccesary alternations.