Control Command Decision-making Method for Taxiway Intersection Guidance Lights in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
Graphical Abstract
In order to achieve automatic control command decision-making for taxiway intersection guidance lights in ASMGCS (advanced surface movement guidance and control system),a Petri-net-based(PN-based) method is proposed.The dynamic operation model for taxiway intersection is constructed using Petri net and the marking control regulation is defined. The intersection resource occupancy confliction is analyzed and resolved through the preferred controlled enable transition in operation model.Moreover,the necessary and sufficient condition for the selection of preferred controlled enable transition is proposed and also the selection algorithm is presented.To monitor the PN-based intersection operation model,the colored monitor is used to trace the conformance of operation model to the marking control regulation,and the decision-making algorithm for the guidance lights control command is proposed.Finally,a case study is given to validate the effectiveness of the control command decision-making method for the intersection guidance lights.