Double Mode Control Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine
YAN Gang, LIANG Ximing, LONG Zuqiang, LONG Weng
2011, 40(6): 721-727.
A Method of High-precision Angle Measurement Using Carrier Aided by PRN Code
LIU Yuqi, HU Xiulin, KE Ting, RAN Yihang
2011, 40(6): 728-732.
A Double-Population Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Predator-Prey Behavior
QIN Qu, e, NIU Ben, LI Li
2011, 40(6): 733-739.
Design of Image Encryption Scheme Based on Cross Coupled Map Lattice
LIU Fucai, LI Meng, ZHAO Chunyuan, LI Junyi
2011, 40(6): 740-746.
Heading Control of Air Cushion Vehicles Based on Adaptive Fuzzy ADRC
LIU Zhenye, LIU Wei, FU Mingyu, SHI Xiaocheng
2011, 40(6): 747-752.
An Energy-Efficient Time Synchronization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
WANG Fuqiang, ZENG Peng, YU Haibin
2011, 40(6): 753-759,766.
An Integrated Navigation Algorithm Based on Three-Axis Magnetometer and Gravity Measurement
WU Meng, MA Jie, TIAN Jinwen, LIU Jin
2011, 40(6): 760-766.
Dynamic Surface Control for a Class of Strict-Feedback MIMO Systems in Nonlinear Block Controllable Form
LIU Shuguang, SUN Xiuxia, DONG Wenhan, YIN Hui
2011, 40(6): 767-771.
Forgetting Learning Algorithm with Batches for Iterative Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems
TAO Hongfeng, DINGBao, YANG Huizhong
2011, 40(6): 772-776.
Self-localization Mechanisms for Acoustic Array Network Based on Mobile Beacon and DOA
XUE Hailiang, WANG Zhi, LUO Ji'an, BAO Ming, WANG Zhibo, GUAN Luyang, CHEN Shantao
2011, 40(6): 777-784.
Design of Optimal Beamforming Filter for MIMO Two-Way Relay
ZHAO Rui, CAI Canhui, CHEN Donghua
2011, 40(6): 785-789,796.
Construction Methods of Low Correlation Zone Sequence Pairs Set
SHI Renghui, ZHAO Xiaoqun, LI Lizhi
2011, 40(6): 790-796.
Robust Control of Time-Delay Singular System with Saturating Actuator
LIANG Jiarong, XIAO Jian
2011, 40(6): 797-801,808.
Time-Optimal Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Manipulator Based on PSO
FU Rong, JU Hehua
2011, 40(6): 802-808.
Output Feedback Control for Time-Delay Systems with Uncertain Input Based on Sliding Mode
JIA Tinggang, NIU Yugang, XIA Kang
2011, 40(6): 809-812,834.
Color Images Watermarking Algorithm Based on Quaternion Frequency Singular Value Decomposition
SUN Jing, YANG Jingyu, FU Desheng
2011, 40(6): 813-818,828.
The New Research Progress of Advanced Energy Management System for Iron & Steel Enterprises
LUO Xianxi, YUAN Mingzhe, XU Huayan, WANG Hong
2011, 40(6): 819-828.
Research and Application of Multifieldbus Integration Based on FDT Technology
SHAN Yugang, WANG Hong
2011, 40(6): 829-834.
Networked Control System with Random Delay and Packet Loss Based on Dynamic Matrix
GE Yang, WANG Jingcheng
2011, 40(6): 835-840.
Online Subspace Predictive Control of Unmanned Powered Parafoil
XIE Zhigang, CHEN Zili, HE Yingde
2011, 40(6): 841-845.
Time Evaluation of Service Procedure and Task Scheduling Methods for Business Process
LI Bing, XING Zhiwei, ZHU Rui, SU Dan
2011, 40(6): 846-851.
Design of Short Term Load Optimizing Strategy for Power System Based on Data Storage
ZHANG Rengong, WANG Peiping, WANG Wanliang
2011, 40(6): 852-857,864.
A Variable Precision Rough Set Based Model for Emergency Scheduling
SONG Xiaoyu, ZHENG Yan, CHANG Chunguang
2011, 40(6): 858-864.