Adaptive Deterministic Sampling Filter Algorithm
LIU Tao, XIE Yongchun
2010, 39(6): 673-680.
A Quantum Genetic Algorithm Based on Phase Encoding
LI Panchi, SONG Kaoping, YANG Erlong
2010, 39(6): 681-685.
Coherent Sources Adaptive DOA Estimation and Tracking with a Sparse Array of Electromagnetic Vector Sensors
LIU Zhaoting, HE Jin, LIU Zhong
2010, 39(6): 686-693.
Performance Assessment and Monitoring of Model Predictive Control Based on Covariance Benchmark
WANG Yuhong, WANG Xuejian
2010, 39(6): 694-699.
Modeling and Simulation of the Strip Tension in Dancer Roll of the Continuous Annealing Line
BAI Rui, TONG Shaocheng
2010, 39(6): 700-706.
Design of Robust Adaptive Observer for Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems
HU Xueshu, LIU Yusheng
2010, 39(6): 707-713.
An Opportunistic Network Routing Method Based on Radio Frequency Identification
JIANG Haitao, LI Qianmu, ZHANG Hong
2010, 39(6): 714-719.
Energy-efficient Sensor Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network
FU Zhixin, ZHU Yinyin, WU Xiaobei
2010, 39(6): 720-731.
Robust Estimation Based Data Reconciliation for Alumina Evaporation Process
CHAI Qinqin, YANG Chunhua, GUI Weihua
2010, 39(6): 732-737.
Generative Model with Isochronous under Finite Buffer Based on Advanced Orbit Systems Multiplexing
ZHAO Yuntao, PAN Chengsheng, TIAN Ye, BI Mingxue
2010, 39(6): 738-742.
Delay Analysis and Scheduling Method for Aircraft Ground Deicing Operation
XING Zhiwei, WANG Guifang, LI Yi
2010, 39(6): 743-748.
Compound Tracking Control with Variable Structure Linearization for Mobile Robots Based on Extended Kalman Filter
YUAN Jian, TANG Gongyou
2010, 39(6): 749-754.
Firing Application Strategies of Ground-to-Air Missile Composite Group Based on Stackelberg Decision Model
MA Fei, CAO Zeyang, LIU Hui
2010, 39(6): 755-760.
Simulating the Evolution of Aviation Marketing Competition with Cellular Automata
KOU Yonggang, WU Tongshui, ZHU Jinfu
2010, 39(6): 761-767.
Control Command Decision-making Method for Taxiway Intersection Guidance Lights in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
ZHU Xinping, TANG Xinmin, HAN Songchen
2010, 39(6): 768-773,782.
Online Prediction Modelling of Blast Furnace Gas Output in Steel Industry
ZHANG Xiaoping, TANG Zhenxing, ZHAO Jun, WANG Wei, CONG Liqun, FENG Weimin
2010, 39(6): 774-782.
Turning Gait Planning and Its Realization for Biped Walking Robots
PENG Shengjun, SHUI Haitao, YANG Qing, MA Hongxu
2010, 39(6): 783-788,800.
Central Shutter Control Based on Dual-mode Controller
LI Jun, ZHANG Tao, HUANG Pu, CHEN Li, XIU Jihong, LI Youyi
2010, 39(6): 789-793,800.
Ricochetal Brachiate Control of Two-link Primate-like Robot
ZHANG Xiaohua, ZHAO Yini, CHENG Hongtai
2010, 39(6): 794-800.